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Sunrise Pump Station, Evansville, Indiana

2024 ACEC Indiana Engineering Excellence Award

Evansville Water & Sewer Utility (EWSU) and Donohue & Associates received a 2024 Engineering Excellence Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Indiana for the innovative Sunrise Pump Station project.

EWSU provides quality, reliable water and sewer services to 63,000+ area residents. The project's main goal was to reduce the volume of combined sewer water being sent to Bee Slough, a concrete-lined and uncovered ditch. This project allows the Utility to treat combined sewer flows at the treatment plant and redirect clean effluent to the Ohio River instead of recirculating it back to the slough.

When the new pump station was set to be built in one of Evansville’s most popular parks, EWSU teamed up with Donohue to design a structure that would be functional, hold aesthetic appeal, and provide value to the community. The result was a transformative, multifaceted community asset that features a peak pumping capacity of 40 million gallons per day, diversion structures, variable speed controls, an emergency generator system, and automated controls. Effluent is directed over the Ohio River levee through dual force mains to a unique cascading structure.

Situated in Sunrise Park, the project also focused on visual considerations and community engagement. The park now hosts a year-round public space with laboratory views, an observation deck, and integrated community amenities. This initiative aligns with the City’s Overflow Control Plan, addressing overflows and enhancing community well-being. Due to careful planning and quality craftsmanship, the Sunrise Pump Station now stands as a noteworthy community asset – an example of innovative infrastructure solutions that contribute to the surrounding area’s vibrancy.

Engineering Excellence awards recognize quality engineering achievements. Entries are judged on the basis of excellence in design, the degree to which the client’s needs are met, complexity, and benefit to both public welfare and engineering practices.